Sunday, May 24, 2009

Dr Boyce Money: Ensuring that You Have Enough Life Insurance

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It may shock you to read this, but you are going to die. Young people don't seem to believe they are ever going to leave the earth and even old folks aren't ready to accept it. Many of us become sole providers for our families under the assumption that we are going to be around forever. Well, there comes a time when we must realize that if we get into our car and head out to work one morning, we may never come back.

What happens to those we leave behind? They are left to clean up the messes that we've left, and you probably know at least one person who has gone to a funeral and watched their daddy's dirty laundry pour itself out all over the front row. The funeral is a day of reckoning, from both a personal and financial standpoint. The point of death is when the Grim Reaper makes us reap what we have sewn throughout our lives.

How do you determine whether or not you have enough life insurance? Let me break it down for you.

Continue reading Do Your Children Have a Plan for your Death? You Might Want to Think Again

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